What is a Kill Pen?
The Horse Transit System: Not Just Kill Pens
Here is Lil' Huck, part of the Buckie family we rescued. The Buckies now live in sanctuary at Sacred Spirit. His life was set to end in slaughter before it even began.
Part of Karuna's mission is to raise awareness and create conversation about the condition of horses in our society. While most of us would agree that animal companions, like dogs and cats, are not work animals - the purpose of horses stirs a lot of controversy. Are horses our companions, or are they work animals? Are horses an industry? Like most domesticated animals, horses suffer from over-breeding, overuse and overpopulation - there are simply too many horses in the system, and most of them live in unsavory conditions. There's even a debate among rescues about rescuing horses from kill pens and the horse transit system. How do we end the vicious cycle of cruelty, neglect and abuse? Horses end up in the horse transit system for a variety of reasons: old age, financial stress, behavioral or health issues and sometimes, the horse has simply served its human purpose.
Broken in Servitude.
The reality is that many well-meaning, and yes, not not-so-well-meaning horse owners have no idea about the actual fate that awaits their horse in the transit system. Out of sight, out of mind. The transit system includes kill pens, which hold masses of horses in cramped, unhealthy and under-kept conditions until they can be auctioned for slaughter. The horse's last moments are filled with terror and pain and abandonment.
The necessary reform to safeguard all animals as living beings continues to eke along, while many animals suffer. As more human beings become aware, we move towards more sustainable, compassionate relationships with all living beings. Until then, Every Life Matters. Every act of kindness makes a difference.
Finding the ways, the means and the community to raise awareness, help as many horses as possible and be that presence in the world that respects and cherishes all life.
Ella and Floyd in transport